- idstring
Unique identifier for the object.
- countrynullable string
Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the tax ID.
- customernullable stringExpandable
ID of the customer.
- typeenum
Type of the tax ID, one of
,nrt ae_
,trn al_
,tin am_
,tin ao_
,tin ar_
,cuit au_
,abn au_
,arn ba_
,tin bb_
,tin bg_
,uic bh_
,vat bo_
,tin br_
,cnpj br_
,cpf bs_
,tin by_
,tin ca_
,bn ca_
,gst_ hst ca_
,pst_ bc ca_
,pst_ mb ca_
,pst_ sk ca_
,qst cd_
,nif ch_
,uid ch_
,vat cl_
,tin cn_
,tin co_
,nit cr_
,tin de_
,stn do_
,rcn ec_
,ruc eg_
,tin es_
,cif eu_
,oss_ vat eu_
,vat gb_
,vat ge_
,vat gn_
,nif hk_
,br hr_
,oib hu_
,tin id_
,npwp il_
,vat in_
,gst is_
,vat jp_
,cn jp_
,rn jp_
,trn ke_
,pin kh_
,tin kr_
,brn kz_
,bin li_
,uid li_
,vat ma_
,vat md_
,vat me_
,pib mk_
,vat mr_
,nif mx_
,rfc my_
,frp my_
,itn my_
,sst ng_
,tin no_
,vat no_
,voec np_
,pan nz_
,gst om_
,vat pe_
,ruc ph_
,tin ro_
,tin rs_
,pib ru_
,inn ru_
,kpp sa_
,vat sg_
,gst sg_
,uen si_
,tin sn_
,ninea sr_
,fin sv_
,nit th_
,vat tj_
,tin tr_
,tin tw_
,vat tz_
,vat ua_
,vat ug_
,tin us_
,ein uy_
,ruc uz_
,tin uz_
,vat ve_
,rif vn_
,tin za_
,vat zm_
, ortin zw_
. Note that some legacy tax IDs have typetin unknown
Possible enum valuesad_
nrt ae_
trn al_
tin am_
tin ao_
tin ar_
cuit au_
abn au_
arn ba_
tin bb_
tin Show 91 more - valuestring
Value of the tax ID.
More attributes
- objectstring
- createdtimestamp
- livemodeboolean
- ownernullable object
- verificationnullable object
{ "id": "txi_1NuMB12eZvKYlo2CMecoWkZd", "object": "tax_id", "country": "DE", "created": 123456789, "customer": null, "livemode": false, "type": "eu_vat", "value": "DE123456789", "verification": null, "owner": { "type": "self", "customer": null }}
Creates a new tax_
object for a customer.
- typestringRequired
Type of the tax ID, one of
,nrt ae_
,trn al_
,tin am_
,tin ao_
,tin ar_
,cuit au_
,abn au_
,arn ba_
,tin bb_
,tin bg_
,uic bh_
,vat bo_
,tin br_
,cnpj br_
,cpf bs_
,tin by_
,tin ca_
,bn ca_
,gst_ hst ca_
,pst_ bc ca_
,pst_ mb ca_
,pst_ sk ca_
,qst cd_
,nif ch_
,uid ch_
,vat cl_
,tin cn_
,tin co_
,nit cr_
,tin de_
,stn do_
,rcn ec_
,ruc eg_
,tin es_
,cif eu_
,oss_ vat eu_
,vat gb_
,vat ge_
,vat gn_
,nif hk_
,br hr_
,oib hu_
,tin id_
,npwp il_
,vat in_
,gst is_
,vat jp_
,cn jp_
,rn jp_
,trn ke_
,pin kh_
,tin kr_
,brn kz_
,bin li_
,uid li_
,vat ma_
,vat md_
,vat me_
,pib mk_
,vat mr_
,nif mx_
,rfc my_
,frp my_
,itn my_
,sst ng_
,tin no_
,vat no_
,voec np_
,pan nz_
,gst om_
,vat pe_
,ruc ph_
,tin ro_
,tin rs_
,pib ru_
,inn ru_
,kpp sa_
,vat sg_
,gst sg_
,uen si_
,tin sn_
,ninea sr_
,fin sv_
,nit th_
,vat tj_
,tin tr_
,tin tw_
,vat tz_
,vat ua_
,vat ug_
,tin us_
,ein uy_
,ruc uz_
,tin uz_
,vat ve_
,rif vn_
,tin za_
,vat zm_
, ortin zw_
tin - valuestringRequired
Value of the tax ID.
The created tax_
{ "id": "txi_1MoC8zLkdIwHu7ixEhgWcHzJ", "object": "tax_id", "country": "DE", "created": 1679431857, "customer": "cus_NZKoSNZZ58qtO0", "livemode": false, "type": "eu_vat", "value": "DE123456789", "verification": { "status": "pending", "verified_address": null, "verified_name": null }}
Creates a new account or customer tax_
- typestringRequired
Type of the tax ID, one of
,nrt ae_
,trn al_
,tin am_
,tin ao_
,tin ar_
,cuit au_
,abn au_
,arn ba_
,tin bb_
,tin bg_
,uic bh_
,vat bo_
,tin br_
,cnpj br_
,cpf bs_
,tin by_
,tin ca_
,bn ca_
,gst_ hst ca_
,pst_ bc ca_
,pst_ mb ca_
,pst_ sk ca_
,qst cd_
,nif ch_
,uid ch_
,vat cl_
,tin cn_
,tin co_
,nit cr_
,tin de_
,stn do_
,rcn ec_
,ruc eg_
,tin es_
,cif eu_
,oss_ vat eu_
,vat gb_
,vat ge_
,vat gn_
,nif hk_
,br hr_
,oib hu_
,tin id_
,npwp il_
,vat in_
,gst is_
,vat jp_
,cn jp_
,rn jp_
,trn ke_
,pin kh_
,tin kr_
,brn kz_
,bin li_
,uid li_
,vat ma_
,vat md_
,vat me_
,pib mk_
,vat mr_
,nif mx_
,rfc my_
,frp my_
,itn my_
,sst ng_
,tin no_
,vat no_
,voec np_
,pan nz_
,gst om_
,vat pe_
,ruc ph_
,tin ro_
,tin rs_
,pib ru_
,inn ru_
,kpp sa_
,vat sg_
,gst sg_
,uen si_
,tin sn_
,ninea sr_
,fin sv_
,nit th_
,vat tj_
,tin tr_
,tin tw_
,vat tz_
,vat ua_
,vat ug_
,tin us_
,ein uy_
,ruc uz_
,tin uz_
,vat ve_
,rif vn_
,tin za_
,vat zm_
, ortin zw_
tin - valuestringRequired
Value of the tax ID.
More parameters
- ownerobject
The created tax_
{ "id": "txi_1NuMB12eZvKYlo2CMecoWkZd", "object": "tax_id", "country": "DE", "created": 123456789, "customer": null, "livemode": false, "type": "eu_vat", "value": "DE123456789", "verification": null, "owner": { "type": "self", "customer": null }}
Retrieves the tax_
object with the given identifier.
No parameters.
Returns a tax_
object if a valid identifier was provided.
{ "id": "txi_1MoC8zLkdIwHu7ixEhgWcHzJ", "object": "tax_id", "country": "DE", "created": 1679431857, "customer": "cus_NZKoSNZZ58qtO0", "livemode": false, "type": "eu_vat", "value": "DE123456789", "verification": { "status": "pending", "verified_address": null, "verified_name": null }}
Retrieves an account or customer tax_
No parameters.
Returns a tax_
object if a valid identifier was provided.
{ "id": "txi_1NuMB12eZvKYlo2CMecoWkZd", "object": "tax_id", "country": "DE", "created": 123456789, "customer": null, "livemode": false, "type": "eu_vat", "value": "DE123456789", "verification": null, "owner": { "type": "self", "customer": null }}