Creates a new person.


  • addressobject

    The person’s address.

  • dobobject

    The person’s date of birth.

  • emailstring

    The person’s email address.

  • first_namestring

    The person’s first name.

  • id_numberstring

    The person’s ID number, as appropriate for their country. For example, a social security number in the U.S., social insurance number in Canada, etc. Instead of the number itself, you can also provide a PII token provided by Stripe.js.

  • last_namestring

    The person’s last name.

  • metadataobject

    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.

  • phonestring

    The person’s phone number.

  • relationshipobject

    The relationship that this person has with the account’s legal entity.

  • ssn_last_4string

    The last four digits of the person’s Social Security number (U.S. only).

More parameters

  • additional_tos_acceptancesobject

  • address_kanaobject

  • address_kanjiobject

  • documentsobject

  • first_name_kanastring

  • first_name_kanjistring

  • full_name_aliasesarray of strings

  • genderenum

  • id_number_secondarystring

  • last_name_kanastring

  • last_name_kanjistring

  • maiden_namestring

  • nationalitystring

  • person_tokenstring

  • political_exposurestring

  • registered_addressobject

  • verificationobject


Returns a person object.

POST /v1/accounts/:id/persons
curl \
-u "sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:" \
-d first_name=John \
-d last_name=Doe
"id": "person_1N9XNb2eZvKYlo2CjPX7xF6F",
"object": "person",
"account": "acct_1032D82eZvKYlo2C",
"created": 1684518375,
"dob": {
"day": null,
"month": null,
"year": null
"first_name": "John",
"future_requirements": {
"alternatives": [],
"currently_due": [],
"errors": [],
"eventually_due": [],
"past_due": [],
"pending_verification": []
"id_number_provided": false,
"last_name": "Doe",
"metadata": {},
"relationship": {
"director": false,
"executive": false,
"owner": false,
"percent_ownership": null,
"representative": false,
"title": null
"requirements": {
"alternatives": [],
"currently_due": [],
"errors": [],
"eventually_due": [],
"past_due": [],
"pending_verification": []
"ssn_last_4_provided": false,
"verification": {
"additional_document": {
"back": null,
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"front": null
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"document": {
"back": null,
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"front": null
"status": "unverified"

Updates an existing person.


  • addressobject

    The person’s address.

  • dobobject

    The person’s date of birth.

  • emailstring

    The person’s email address.

  • first_namestring

    The person’s first name.

  • id_numberstring

    The person’s ID number, as appropriate for their country. For example, a social security number in the U.S., social insurance number in Canada, etc. Instead of the number itself, you can also provide a PII token provided by Stripe.js.

  • last_namestring

    The person’s last name.

  • metadataobject

    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.

  • phonestring

    The person’s phone number.

  • relationshipobject

    The relationship that this person has with the account’s legal entity.

  • ssn_last_4string

    The last four digits of the person’s Social Security number (U.S. only).

More parameters

  • additional_tos_acceptancesobject

  • address_kanaobject

  • address_kanjiobject

  • documentsobject

  • first_name_kanastring

  • first_name_kanjistring

  • full_name_aliasesarray of strings

  • genderenum

  • id_number_secondarystring

  • last_name_kanastring

  • last_name_kanjistring

  • maiden_namestring

  • nationalitystring

  • person_tokenstring

  • political_exposurestring

  • registered_addressobject

  • verificationobject


Returns a person object.

POST /v1/accounts/:id/persons/:id
curl \
-u "sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:" \
-d "metadata[order_id]"=6735
"id": "person_1MqjB62eZvKYlo2CaeEJzKVR",
"person": "person_1MqjB62eZvKYlo2CaeEJzKVR",
"object": "person",
"account": "acct_1032D82eZvKYlo2C",
"created": 1680035496,
"dob": {
"day": null,
"month": null,
"year": null
"first_name": "Jane",
"future_requirements": {
"alternatives": [],
"currently_due": [],
"errors": [],
"eventually_due": [],
"past_due": [],
"pending_verification": []
"id_number_provided": false,
"last_name": "Diaz",
"metadata": {
"order_id": "6735"
"relationship": {
"director": false,
"executive": false,
"owner": false,
"percent_ownership": null,
"representative": false,
"title": null
"requirements": {
"alternatives": [],
"currently_due": [],
"errors": [],
"eventually_due": [],
"past_due": [],
"pending_verification": []
"ssn_last_4_provided": false,
"verification": {
"additional_document": {
"back": null,
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"front": null
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"document": {
"back": null,
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"front": null
"status": "unverified"

Retrieves an existing person.


No parameters.


Returns a person object.

GET /v1/accounts/:id/persons/:id
curl \
-u "sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:"
"id": "person_1N9XNb2eZvKYlo2CjPX7xF6F",
"object": "person",
"account": "acct_1032D82eZvKYlo2C",
"created": 1684518375,
"dob": {
"day": null,
"month": null,
"year": null
"first_name": null,
"future_requirements": {
"alternatives": [],
"currently_due": [],
"errors": [],
"eventually_due": [],
"past_due": [],
"pending_verification": []
"id_number_provided": false,
"last_name": null,
"metadata": {},
"relationship": {
"director": false,
"executive": false,
"owner": false,
"percent_ownership": null,
"representative": false,
"title": null
"requirements": {
"alternatives": [],
"currently_due": [],
"errors": [],
"eventually_due": [],
"past_due": [],
"pending_verification": []
"ssn_last_4_provided": false,
"verification": {
"additional_document": {
"back": null,
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"front": null
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"document": {
"back": null,
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"front": null
"status": "unverified"

Returns a list of people associated with the account’s legal entity. The people are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent people appearing first.


  • relationshipobject

    Filters on the list of people returned based on the person’s relationship to the account’s company.

More parameters

  • ending_beforestring

  • limitinteger

  • starting_afterstring


A dictionary with a data property that contains an array of up to limit people, starting after person starting_after. Each entry in the array is a separate person object. If no more people are available, the resulting array will be empty.

GET /v1/accounts/:id/persons
curl -G \
-u "sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:" \
-d limit=3
"object": "list",
"url": "/v1/accounts/acct_1032D82eZvKYlo2C/persons",
"has_more": false,
"data": [
"id": "person_1MqjB62eZvKYlo2CaeEJzKVR",
"person": "person_1MqjB62eZvKYlo2CaeEJzKVR",
"object": "person",
"account": "acct_1032D82eZvKYlo2C",
"created": 1680035496,
"dob": {
"day": null,
"month": null,
"year": null
"first_name": "Jane",
"future_requirements": {
"alternatives": [],
"currently_due": [],
"errors": [],
"eventually_due": [],
"past_due": [],
"pending_verification": []
"id_number_provided": false,
"last_name": "Diaz",
"metadata": {},
"relationship": {
"director": false,
"executive": false,
"owner": false,
"percent_ownership": null,
"representative": false,
"title": null
"requirements": {
"alternatives": [],
"currently_due": [],
"errors": [],
"eventually_due": [],
"past_due": [],
"pending_verification": []
"ssn_last_4_provided": false,
"verification": {
"additional_document": {
"back": null,
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"front": null
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"document": {
"back": null,
"details": null,
"details_code": null,
"front": null
"status": "unverified"

Deletes an existing person’s relationship to the account’s legal entity. Any person with a relationship for an account can be deleted through the API, except if the person is the account_opener. If your integration is using the executive parameter, you cannot delete the only verified executive on file.


No parameters.


Returns the deleted person object.

DELETE /v1/accounts/:id/persons/:id
curl -X DELETE \
-u "sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:"
"id": "person_1MqjB62eZvKYlo2CaeEJzKVR",
"object": "person",
"deleted": true