Expire a test-mode authorization Test helper
Expire a test-mode Authorization.
No parameters.
An Authorization object
{ "id": "iauth_1DPc772eZvKYlo2C6avLyZ25", "object": "issuing.authorization", "amount": 0, "amount_details": { "atm_fee": null, "cashback_amount": null }, "approved": true, "authorization_method": "keyed_in", "balance_transactions": [], "card": { "id": "ic_1FEiQC2eZvKYlo2CtahKepKy", "object": "issuing.card", "brand": "Visa", "cancellation_reason": null, "cardholder": { "id": "ich_1Ccy6F2eZvKYlo2ClnIm9bs4", "object": "issuing.cardholder", "billing": { "address": { "city": "Beverly Hills", "country": "US", "line1": "123 Fake St", "line2": "Apt 3", "postal_code": "90210", "state": "CA" } }, "company": null, "created": 1528992903, "email": "jenny@example.com", "individual": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "name": "Jenny Rosen", "phone_number": "+18008675309", "preferred_locales": [], "redaction": null, "requirements": { "disabled_reason": null, "past_due": [] }, "spending_controls": { "allowed_categories": [], "blocked_categories": [], "spending_limits": [], "spending_limits_currency": null }, "status": "active", "type": "individual" }, "created": 1567541772, "currency": "usd", "exp_month": 12, "exp_year": 2020, "last4": "4242", "livemode": false, "metadata": { "status": "canceled" }, "redaction": null, "replaced_by": null, "replacement_for": null, "replacement_reason": null, "shipping": null, "spending_controls": { "allowed_categories": null, "blocked_categories": null, "spending_limits": [], "spending_limits_currency": null }, "status": "canceled", "type": "physical", "wallets": { "apple_pay": { "eligible": true, "ineligible_reason": null }, "google_pay": { "eligible": false, "ineligible_reason": "missing_agreement" }, "primary_account_identifier": null } }, "cardholder": "ich_1Ccy6F2eZvKYlo2ClnIm9bs4", "created": 1540586461, "currency": "usd", "livemode": false, "merchant_amount": 0, "merchant_currency": "usd", "merchant_data": { "category": "taxicabs_limousines", "category_code": "4121", "city": "San Francisco", "country": "US", "name": "Rocket Rides", "network_id": "1234567890", "postal_code": "94107", "state": "CA", "terminal_id": null }, "metadata": {}, "network_data": null, "pending_request": null, "redaction": null, "request_history": [], "status": "reversed", "transactions": [], "verification_data": { "address_line1_check": "not_provided", "address_postal_code_check": "match", "cvc_check": "match", "expiry_check": "match" }, "wallet": null}
Finalize a test-mode authorization's amount Test helper
Finalize the amount on an Authorization prior to capture, when the initial authorization was for an estimated amount.
- final_
amountintegerRequired The final authorization amount that will be captured by the merchant. This amount is in the authorization currency and in the smallest currency unit.
More parameters
- fleetobject
- fuelobject
An Authorization object
{ "id": "iauth_1DPc772eZvKYlo2C6avLyZ25", "object": "issuing.authorization", "amount": 1000, "amount_details": { "atm_fee": null, "cashback_amount": null }, "approved": true, "authorization_method": "chip", "balance_transactions": [], "card": "ic_1Nsse72eZvKYlo2CWBGm2WQ5", "cardholder": "ich_1Ccy6F2eZvKYlo2ClnIm9bs4", "created": 1540586461, "currency": "usd", "livemode": false, "merchant_amount": 1000, "merchant_currency": "usd", "merchant_data": { "category": "automated_fuel_dispensers", "category_code": "5542", "city": "San Francisco", "country": "US", "name": "Rocket Rides", "network_id": "1234567890", "postal_code": "94107", "state": "CA", "terminal_id": null }, "metadata": {}, "network_data": null, "pending_request": null, "redaction": null, "request_history": [], "status": "reversed", "transactions": [], "verification_data": { "address_line1_check": "not_provided", "address_postal_code_check": "match", "cvc_check": "match", "expiry_check": "match" }, "wallet": null}
Increment a test-mode authorization Test helper
Increment a test-mode Authorization.
- increment_
amountintegerRequired The amount to increment the authorization by. This amount is in the authorization currency and in the smallest currency unit.
- is_
amount_ controllableboolean If set
, you may provide amount to control how much to hold for the authorization.
An Authorization object
{ "id": "iauth_1DPc772eZvKYlo2C6avLyZ25", "object": "issuing.authorization", "amount": 1000, "amount_details": { "atm_fee": null, "cashback_amount": null }, "approved": true, "authorization_method": "keyed_in", "balance_transactions": [], "card": "ic_1Nsse72eZvKYlo2CWBGm2WQ5", "cardholder": "ich_1Ccy6F2eZvKYlo2ClnIm9bs4", "created": 1540586461, "currency": "usd", "livemode": false, "merchant_amount": 0, "merchant_currency": "usd", "merchant_data": { "category": "taxicabs_limousines", "category_code": "4121", "city": "San Francisco", "country": "US", "name": "Rocket Rides", "network_id": "1234567890", "postal_code": "94107", "state": "CA", "terminal_id": null }, "metadata": {}, "network_data": null, "pending_request": null, "redaction": null, "request_history": [], "status": "reversed", "transactions": [], "verification_data": { "address_line1_check": "not_provided", "address_postal_code_check": "match", "cvc_check": "match", "expiry_check": "match" }, "wallet": null}
Respond to fraud challenge Test helper
Respond to a fraud challenge on a testmode Issuing authorization, simulating either a confirmation of fraud or a correction of legitimacy.
- confirmedbooleanRequired
Whether to simulate the user confirming that the transaction was legitimate (true) or telling Stripe that it was fraudulent (false).
An Authorization object.
{ "id": "iauth_1JVXl82eZvKYlo2CPIiWlzrn", "object": "issuing.authorization", "amount": 382, "amount_details": { "atm_fee": null }, "approved": false, "authorization_method": "online", "balance_transactions": [], "card": { "id": "ic_1JDmgz2eZvKYlo2CRXlTsXj6", "object": "issuing.card", "brand": "Visa", "cancellation_reason": null, "cardholder": { "id": "ich_1JDmfb2eZvKYlo2CwHUgaAxU", "object": "issuing.cardholder", "billing": { "address": { "city": "San Francisco", "country": "US", "line1": "123 Main Street", "line2": null, "postal_code": "94111", "state": "CA" } }, "company": null, "created": 1626425119, "email": "jenny.rosen@example.com", "individual": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "name": "Jenny Rosen", "phone_number": "+18008675309", "redaction": null, "requirements": { "disabled_reason": null, "past_due": [] }, "spending_controls": { "allowed_categories": [], "blocked_categories": [], "spending_limits": [], "spending_limits_currency": null }, "status": "active", "type": "individual" }, "created": 1626425206, "currency": "usd", "exp_month": 6, "exp_year": 2024, "last4": "8693", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "redaction": null, "replaced_by": null, "replacement_for": null, "replacement_reason": null, "shipping": null, "spending_controls": { "allowed_categories": null, "blocked_categories": null, "spending_limits": [ { "amount": 50000, "categories": [], "interval": "daily" } ], "spending_limits_currency": "usd" }, "status": "active", "type": "virtual", "wallets": { "apple_pay": { "eligible": true, "ineligible_reason": null }, "google_pay": { "eligible": true, "ineligible_reason": null }, "primary_account_identifier": null } }, "cardholder": "ich_1JDmfb2eZvKYlo2CwHUgaAxU", "created": 1630657706, "currency": "usd", "livemode": false, "merchant_amount": 382, "merchant_currency": "usd", "merchant_data": { "category": "computer_software_stores", "category_code": "5734", "city": "SAN FRANCISCO", "country": "US", "name": "STRIPE", "network_id": "1234567890", "postal_code": "94103", "state": "CA" }, "metadata": { "order_id": "6735" }, "network_data": null, "pending_request": null, "redaction": null, "request_history": [ { "amount": 382, "amount_details": { "atm_fee": null }, "approved": false, "created": 1630657706, "currency": "usd", "merchant_amount": 382, "merchant_currency": "usd", "reason": "verification_failed", "reason_message": null } ], "status": "closed", "transactions": [], "verification_data": { "address_line1_check": "not_provided", "address_postal_code_check": "not_provided", "cvc_check": "mismatch", "expiry_check": "match" }, "wallet": null}
Reverse a test-mode authorization Test helper
Reverse a test-mode Authorization.
- reverse_
amountinteger The amount to reverse from the authorization. If not provided, the full amount of the authorization will be reversed. This amount is in the authorization currency and in the smallest currency unit.
An Authorization object
{ "id": "iauth_1DPc772eZvKYlo2C6avLyZ25", "object": "issuing.authorization", "amount": 0, "amount_details": { "atm_fee": null, "cashback_amount": null }, "approved": true, "authorization_method": "keyed_in", "balance_transactions": [], "card": { "id": "ic_1FEiQC2eZvKYlo2CtahKepKy", "object": "issuing.card", "brand": "Visa", "cancellation_reason": null, "cardholder": { "id": "ich_1Ccy6F2eZvKYlo2ClnIm9bs4", "object": "issuing.cardholder", "billing": { "address": { "city": "Beverly Hills", "country": "US", "line1": "123 Fake St", "line2": "Apt 3", "postal_code": "90210", "state": "CA" } }, "company": null, "created": 1528992903, "email": "jenny@example.com", "individual": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "name": "Jenny Rosen", "phone_number": "+18008675309", "preferred_locales": [], "redaction": null, "requirements": { "disabled_reason": null, "past_due": [] }, "spending_controls": { "allowed_categories": [], "blocked_categories": [], "spending_limits": [], "spending_limits_currency": null }, "status": "active", "type": "individual" }, "created": 1567541772, "currency": "usd", "exp_month": 12, "exp_year": 2020, "last4": "4242", "livemode": false, "metadata": { "status": "canceled" }, "redaction": null, "replaced_by": null, "replacement_for": null, "replacement_reason": null, "shipping": null, "spending_controls": { "allowed_categories": null, "blocked_categories": null, "spending_limits": [], "spending_limits_currency": null }, "status": "canceled", "type": "physical", "wallets": { "apple_pay": { "eligible": true, "ineligible_reason": null }, "google_pay": { "eligible": false, "ineligible_reason": "missing_agreement" }, "primary_account_identifier": null } }, "cardholder": "ich_1Ccy6F2eZvKYlo2ClnIm9bs4", "created": 1540586461, "currency": "usd", "livemode": false, "merchant_amount": 0, "merchant_currency": "usd", "merchant_data": { "category": "taxicabs_limousines", "category_code": "4121", "city": "San Francisco", "country": "US", "name": "Rocket Rides", "network_id": "1234567890", "postal_code": "94107", "state": "CA", "terminal_id": null }, "metadata": {}, "network_data": null, "pending_request": null, "redaction": null, "request_history": [], "status": "reversed", "transactions": [], "verification_data": { "address_line1_check": "not_provided", "address_postal_code_check": "match", "cvc_check": "match", "expiry_check": "match" }, "wallet": null}