Stripe connector for Amazon S3Public preview
Automate recurring file imports from your Amazon S3 bucket to Stripe.
This guide explains how to import files from Amazon S3 into the Stripe Data Management Platform. By following these steps, you set up an automated job for importing data to keep your Stripe products up-to-date.
Before starting the integration, make sure you have the following:
- An active AWS account and S3 bucket with access to the relevant files.
- Admin account access to the Stripe Dashboard.
Log in to your AWS account
You need access to your AWS Access Console during the configuration process.
- Sign in to the AWS Management Console
Prepare your Files in Amazon S3
To validate your connection configuration, use well-formatted data in your S3 bucket. The configuration process shows you available files, and runs an initial sync when the connection is configured.
- Visit your Amazon S3 console
- Make sure that your files are stored in a designated S3 bucket and organized according to your import preferences.
- If you don’t currently have an S3 bucket, you can follow the AWS guidelines for creating your first bucket.
- Stripe has the following file requirements for successful retrieval:
- File names must adhere to S3 Object naming conventions.
- The maximum file size is 1 GB.
- Remember the bucket name and region because you need them for future steps.
- Keep your AWS Console open to configure an IAM role in future steps.
Supported file formats
- For more formats, please contact support
Configure the Stripe Amazon S3 Connector to import files from your S3 Bucket
- Sign in to the Stripe Data Management Connector Dashboard
- Click + Set up connector > Amazon S3.
- Provide a unique connector name for this Connection. Consider using details about the data source, objects in the file, and product destination to create a strong unique name.
- In your Amazon console, navigate to the IAM console.
- The next step of the Stripe Amazon S3 Connector setup provides details to Create an IAM Role using a Custom trust policy.
- In the navigation pane of the console, click Policies > Create policy.
- To create your permission policy, select JSON and replace the existing policy text by copying and pasting the provided code block. In the Resource section of the Policy editor code block, replace
with your intended bucket name. Click Next. Under Policy details, add a policy name, along with any tags (optional), then click Create policy.TARGET_ BUCKET - Return to the navigation pane of the console, then click Roles > Create role.
- Choose the Custom trust policy role type, copy and paste the provided code block, then click Next.
- To select your permission policy, locate the newly created permission policy in the list. Enable the checkbox to select the policy, scroll down, then click Next.
- To create a role name, copy and paste the provided role name, then click Create role.
- The following step of the Stripe Amazon S3 Connector setup establishes the connection between your Amazon S3 bucket and Stripe.
- From the AWS Console, find and provide your AWS Account ID.
- Provide the Bucket Name and Region saved from your AWS Console during Step 2.3.
- If you use folders to organize your files in your Amazon S3 bucket, specify a folder within the above bucket.
- If you specify a folder within the above bucket, we only fetch data from this folder, not the entire bucket.
- After successfully setting up a new connector, Stripe fetches all data from the Amazon S3 bucket that was modified in the last 90 days.
- We fetch data after every five minutes.
- Only objects with a LastModified date later than the last sync are imported for recurring imports.
- Step 4 previews the files available in the connected Amazon S3 bucket and allows you to associate them with a data template.
- The file preview validates that your credentials connect Stripe with the expected Amazon S3 bucket and folder.
- The data template associates this connection with an expected file format for initial and recurring imports.
- Click Done to create an Active Data Connection and initiate the initial Data Import.
Maintaining your Amazon S3 connection
After your connection is established, we fetch your data every 5 minutes. To monitor the health of your connection, you can perform the following actions:
- Visit the Stripe Data Management Connector dashboard for the status and last sync details of your established connections.
- Manage a single Connection by clicking on a connector.
- You can edit the connector name or data template, re-authenticate a broken connection, and delete a connection.
- We recommend setting up an automated job to regularly deliver new files to your S3 bucket.
- The Amazon List Object API doesn’t allow for filtering objects by LastModified. As a result, you must list all the contents of your bucket for each import. Make sure that you only allow the associated IAM role access to data that you intend to import to Stripe. We recommend limiting the number of files in your bucket below 50000. To achieve this, make sure that you set the expiry time for your objects accordingly.