Bericht zum Auszahlungsabgleich
Gleichen Sie jede Auszahlung mit dem durch sie abgerechneten Transaktionsbatch ab.
Mit dem Bericht zum Auszahlungsabgleich können Sie auf Ihrem Bankkonto eingegangene Auszahlungen mit den Batches aus Zahlungen und sonstigen zugehörigen Transaktionen abgleichen.
Der Auszahlungsabgleichsbericht ist nur für Nutzer/innen mit aktivierten automatischen Auszahlungen verfügbar und für Nutzer/innen optimiert, die es vorziehen, die in jeder Auszahlung enthaltenen Transaktionen als einen Abrechnungsbatch abzugleichen. Wenn Sie manuelle Auszahlungen verwenden oder es vorziehen, Ihr Stripe -Guthaben wie ein Bankkonto zu verfolgen und abzugleichen, sehen Sie sich stattdessen den Saldo-Bericht an. Informationen zur Auswahl des richtigen Berichts finden Sie im Leitfaden zur Auswahl von Berichten.
Starten Sie mit den Steuerungen im oberen Bildschirmbereich, um einen Datumsbereich auszuwählen.
Der Abschnitt Saldenübersicht zeigt den Anfangs- und den Abschlusssaldo Ihres Stripe-Kontos für den ausgewählten Datumsbereich sowie eine Übersicht über Ihre Aktivitäten in diesem Zeitraum.
Im Abschnitt Auszahlungsabgleich wird eine Aufschlüsselung der automatischen Auszahlungen angezeigt, die im ausgewählten Zeitraum auf Ihrem Bankkonto eingegangen sind. Die in diesen Abrechnungsbatches enthaltenen Transaktionen sind nach der Berichtskategorie gruppiert.
Der Abschnitt Abschlusssaldenabgleich zeigt eine ähnliche Aufschlüsselung von Transaktionen, die zum Zeitpunkt des Enddatums des Berichts nicht abgerechnet worden waren.
Daten herunterladen
Sie können die in jedem Abschnitt des Berichts angezeigten Daten als CSV-Datei herunterladen, indem Sie oben rechts im jeweiligen Abschnitt auf die Schaltfläche Herunterladen klicken. In den Abschnitten Auszahlungsabgleich und Abschlusssaldenabgleich stehen mehrere Berichtsarten zum Herunterladen zur Verfügung:
- Übersicht: Die Daten im CSV-Format genau so herunterladen, wie Sie sie im Dashboard sehen.
- Detailliert: Die vollständige Liste der im Dashboard zusammengefassten Einzeltransaktionen herunterladen. Sie können mit diesen Transaktionen verknüpfte benutzerdefinierte Metadaten einschließen, um den Abgleich zu beschleunigen.
Zusätzlich können Sie detaillierte Daten für eine einzelne Transaktionskategorie direkt herunterladen, indem Sie den Mauszeiger über diese Kategorie bewegen und auf die angezeigte Schaltfläche Herunterladen klicken.
Verfügbare Spalten
Sie können die Spalten anpassen, die in den Berichten beim Herunterladen im Dashboard oder über die Reporting API angezeigt werden. Die für die einzelnen Berichtsarten verfügbaren Spalten werden nachfolgend beschrieben.
- Balance summary
- Payouts reconciliation summary
- Itemized payout reconciliation
- Ending balance reconciliation summary
- Itemized ending balance reconciliation
Balance summary
API-Berichtstyp: balance.
Spaltenname | Standard | Beschreibung |
category | One of | |
currency | Three-letter ISO code for the currency in which | |
description | One of | |
net_amount | Net amount for the transactions associated with |
Payouts reconciliation summary
API-Berichtstyp: payout_
Spaltenname | Standard | Beschreibung |
count | The number of transactions associated with the | |
currency | Three-letter ISO code for the currency in which | |
fee | Sum of the fees paid for the transactions associated with the | |
gross | Sum of the gross amounts of the transactions associated with the | |
net | Sum of the net amounts for the transactions associated with the | |
reporting_category | Reporting Category is a new categorization of balance transactions, meant to improve on the current |
Itemized payout reconciliation
API-Berichtstyp: payout_
Spaltenname | Standard | Beschreibung |
automatic_payout_effective_at | The date we expect this automatic payout to arrive in your bank account, in the requested time zone, or UTC if not provided. This is also when the paid-out funds are deducted from your Stripe balance. | |
automatic_payout_effective_at_utc | The date we expect this automatic payout to arrive in your bank account, in UTC. This is also when the paid-out funds are deducted from your Stripe balance. | |
automatic_payout_id | ID of the automatically created payout associated with this balance transaction (only set if your account is on an automatic payout schedule). | |
available_on | The date the balance transaction’s net funds will become available in the Stripe balance. Dates in the requested time zone, or UTC if not provided. | |
available_on_utc | The date the balance transaction’s net funds will become available in the Stripe balance. Dates in UTC. | |
balance_transaction_id | Unique identifier for the balance transaction. | |
card_address_city | City of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_country | Country of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_line1 | First line of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_line2 | Second line of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_postal_code | Postal code of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_state | State of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_brand | Card brand, if applicable. | |
card_country | Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. | |
card_funding | Card funding type, if applicable. | |
charge_created | Creation time of the original charge associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds and disputes. For charges that were separately authorized and captured, this is the authorization time. Dates in the requested time zone, or UTC if not provided. | |
charge_created_utc | Creation time of the original charge associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds and disputes. For charges that were separately authorized and captured, this is the authorization time. Dates in UTC. | |
charge_id | Unique identifier for the original charge associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds and disputes. | |
connected_account_country | For Stripe Connect activity related to a connected account, the two-letter ISO code representing the country of the account. | |
connected_account_direct_charge_id | (Beta) For Stripe Connect activity related to a connected account, charge id of the direct charge that happened on connected account. | |
connected_account_id | For Stripe Connect activity related to a connected account, the unique ID for the account. | |
connected_account_name | For Stripe Connect activity related to a connected account, the name of the account. | |
created | Time at which the balance transaction was created. Dates in the requested time zone, or UTC if not provided. | |
created_utc | Time at which the balance transaction was created. Dates in UTC. | |
currency | Three-letter ISO code for the currency in which | |
customer_address_city | City of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_country | Country of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_line1 | First line of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_line2 | Second line of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_postal_code | Postal code of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_state | State of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_description | Description provided when creating the customer, often used to store the customer name. | |
customer_email | Email address of the customer, if any, associated with this balance transaction. | |
customer_facing_amount | For transactions associated with charges, refunds, or disputes, the amount of the original charge, refund, or dispute. If the customer was charged in a different currency than your account’s default, this field will reflect the amount as seen by the customer. | |
customer_facing_currency | For transactions associated with charges, refunds, or disputes, the three-letter ISO currency code for | |
customer_id | The unique ID of the related customer, if any. | |
customer_name | Name of the customer, if any, associated with this balance transaction. | |
customer_shipping_address_city | City of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_country | Country of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_line1 | First line of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_line2 | Second line of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_postal_code | Postal code of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_state | State of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
description | An arbitrary string attached to the balance transaction. Often useful for displaying to users. | |
destination_payment_id | Destination payment id in the case of Separate Charges & Transfers and destination charges | |
dispute_reason | Reason given by cardholder for dispute. Read more about dispute reasons. | |
fee | Fees paid for this transaction. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY). | |
gross | Gross amount of the transaction. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY). | |
invoice_id | Unique ID for the invoice associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds, and disputes made in connection with a Stripe Billing invoice. | |
invoice_number | Unique Number for the invoice associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds, and disputes made in connection with a Stripe Billing invoice. | |
is_link | Whether or not the payment was made using Link. | |
net | Net amount of the transaction. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY). | |
order_id | Unique ID for the order associated with this balance transaction. | |
payment_intent_id | The unique ID of the related Payment Intent, if any. | |
payment_metadata[key] | Metadata associated with the related PaymentIntent, if any. If no PaymentIntent metadata exists, metadata from any related charge object will be returned. API requests including this column must specify a metadata key in brackets. This column can be specified multiple times to retrieve data from additional metadata keys. | |
payment_method_type | The type of payment method used in the related payment. | |
refund_metadata[key] | Metadata associated with the related refund object, if any. API requests including this column must specify a metadata key in brackets. This column can be specified multiple times to retrieve data from additional metadata keys. | |
regulatory_tag | An identifier reflecting the classification of this transaction according to local regulations, if applicable. Accounts with automatic payouts enabled receive a separate payout for each regulatory tag. This column is only populated for Brazilian accounts. | |
reporting_category | Reporting Category is a new categorization of balance transactions, meant to improve on the current | |
shipping_address_city | City of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_country | Country of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_line1 | First line of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_line2 | Second line of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_postal_code | Postal code of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_state | State of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
source_id | The Stripe object to which this transaction is related. | |
statement_descriptor | The dynamic statement descriptor or suffix specified when the related charge was created. | |
subscription_id | Unique ID for the subscription associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds, and disputes made in connection with a Stripe Billing subscription. | |
trace_id | A unique identifier generated by bank for the Stripe payouts. Used by banks to locate specific transfers, sometimes referred to as a Reference number. | |
trace_id_status | The status of the trace ID. Either pending, unsupported or supported. | |
transfer_metadata[key] | Metadata associated with the related transfer object, if any. API requests including this column must specify a metadata key in brackets. This column can be specified multiple times to retrieve data from additional metadata keys. |
Ending balance reconciliation summary
API-Berichtstyp: ending_
Spaltenname | Standard | Beschreibung |
count | The number of transactions associated with the | |
currency | Three-letter ISO code for the currency in which | |
fee | Sum of the fees paid for the transactions associated with the | |
gross | Sum of the gross amounts of the transactions associated with the | |
net | Sum of the net amounts for the transactions associated with the | |
reporting_category | Reporting Category is a new categorization of balance transactions, meant to improve on the current |
Itemized ending balance reconciliation
API-Berichtstyp: ending_
Spaltenname | Standard | Beschreibung |
automatic_payout_effective_at | The date we expect this automatic payout to arrive in your bank account, in the requested timezone, or UTC if not provided. This is also when the paid-out funds are deducted from your Stripe balance. | |
automatic_payout_effective_at_utc | The date we expect this automatic payout to arrive in your bank account, in UTC. This is also when the paid-out funds are deducted from your Stripe balance. | |
automatic_payout_id | ID of the automatically created payout associated with this balance transaction (only set if your account is on an automatic payout schedule). | |
available_on | The date the balance transaction’s net funds will become available in the Stripe balance. Dates in the requested timezone, or UTC if not provided. | |
available_on_utc | The date the balance transaction’s net funds will become available in the Stripe balance. Dates in UTC. | |
balance_transaction_id | Unique identifier for the balance transaction. | |
card_address_city | City of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_country | Country of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_line1 | First line of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_line2 | Second line of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_postal_code | Postal code of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_address_state | State of the card address associated with this charge, if any | |
card_brand | Card brand, if applicable. | |
card_country | Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. | |
card_funding | Card funding type, if applicable. | |
charge_created | Creation time of the original charge associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds and disputes. For charges that were separately authorized and captured, this is the authorization time. Dates in the requested timezone, or UTC if not provided. | |
charge_created_utc | Creation time of the original charge associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds and disputes. For charges that were separately authorized and captured, this is the authorization time. Dates in UTC. | |
charge_id | Unique identifier for the original charge associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds and disputes. | |
connected_account_country | For Stripe Connect activity related to a connected account, the two-letter ISO code representing the country of the account. | |
connected_account_direct_charge_id | (Beta) For Stripe Connect activity related to a connected account, charge id of the direct charge that happened on connected account. | |
connected_account_id | For Stripe Connect activity related to a connected account, the unique ID for the account. | |
connected_account_name | For Stripe Connect activity related to a connected account, the name of the account. | |
created | Time at which the balance transaction was created. Dates in the requested timezone, or UTC if not provided. | |
created_utc | Time at which the balance transaction was created. Dates in UTC. | |
currency | Three-letter ISO code for the currency in which | |
customer_address_city | City of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_country | Country of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_line1 | First line of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_line2 | Second line of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_postal_code | Postal code of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_address_state | State of the customer address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_description | Description provided when creating the customer, often used to store the customer name. | |
customer_email | Email address of the customer, if any, associated with this balance transaction. | |
customer_facing_amount | For transactions associated with charges, refunds, or disputes, the amount of the original charge, refund, or dispute. If the customer was charged in a different currency than your account’s default, this field will reflect the amount as seen by the customer. | |
customer_facing_currency | For transactions associated with charges, refunds, or disputes, the three-letter ISO currency code for | |
customer_id | The unique ID of the related customer, if any. | |
customer_name | Name of the customer, if any, associated with this balance transaction. | |
customer_shipping_address_city | City of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_country | Country of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_line1 | First line of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_line2 | Second line of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_postal_code | Postal code of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
customer_shipping_address_state | State of the customer shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
description | An arbitrary string attached to the balance transaction. Often useful for displaying to users. | |
dispute_reason | Reason given by cardholder for dispute. Read more about dispute reasons. | |
fee | Fees paid for this transaction. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY). | |
gross | Gross amount of the transaction. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY). | |
invoice_id | Unique ID for the invoice associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds, and disputes made in connection with a Stripe Billing invoice. | |
invoice_number | Unique Number for the invoice associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds, and disputes made in connection with a Stripe Billing invoice. | |
is_link | Whether or not the payment was made using Link. | |
net | Net amount of the transaction. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY). | |
payment_intent_id | The unique ID of the related Payment Intent, if any. | |
payment_metadata[key] | Metadata associated with the related PaymentIntent, if any. If no PaymentIntent metadata exists, metadata from any related charge object will be returned. API requests including this column must specify a metadata key in brackets. This column can be specified multiple times to retrieve data from additional metadata keys. | |
payment_method_type | The type of payment method used in the related payment. | |
refund_metadata[key] | Metadata associated with the related refund object, if any. API requests including this column must specify a metadata key in brackets. This column can be specified multiple times to retrieve data from additional metadata keys. | |
regulatory_tag | An identifier reflecting the classification of this transaction according to local regulations, if applicable. Accounts with automatic payouts enabled receive a separate payout for each regulatory tag. This column is only populated for Brazilian accounts. | |
reporting_category | Reporting Category is a new categorization of balance transactions, meant to improve on the current | |
shipping_address_city | City of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_country | Country of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_line1 | First line of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_line2 | Second line of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_postal_code | Postal code of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
shipping_address_state | State of the shipping address associated with this charge, if any | |
source_id | The Stripe object to which this transaction is related. | |
statement_descriptor | The dynamic statement descriptor or suffix specified when the related charge was created. | |
subscription_id | Unique ID for the subscription associated with this balance transaction. Available for charges, refunds, and disputes made in connection with a Stripe Billing subscription. | |
transfer_metadata[key] | Metadata associated with the related transfer object, if any. API requests including this column must specify a metadata key in brackets. This column can be specified multiple times to retrieve data from additional metadata keys. |