giropay paymentsDeprecated
Learn about giropay, a common payment method in Germany.
Our financial partners are deprecating Giropay. No new business onboarding or transactions will be possible after June 30, 2024. Read our support page for more details.
giropay is a German payment method based on online banking, introduced in 2006. It allows customers to complete transactions online using their online banking environment, with funds debited from their bank account. Depending on their bank, customers confirm payments on giropay using a second factor of authentication or a PIN. giropay accounts for 10% of online checkouts in Germany.
giropay redirects customers to their website to authenticate a payment and there is immediate notification about the success or failure of a payment.
Payment flow 
This demo shows the customer experience when using Giropay.
Get started 
You don’t have to integrate giropay and other payment methods individually. If you use our front-end products, Stripe automatically determines the most relevant payment methods to display. Go to the Stripe Dashboard and enable giropay. To get started with one of our hosted UIs, follow a quickstart:
Other payment products
The following Stripe products also let you add giropay from the Dashboard:
If your integration requires manually listing payment methods, learn how to manually configure giropay as a payment.
Disputed payments
The risk of fraud or unrecognized payments is low because the customer must authenticate the payment with their bank. As a result, you won’t have disputes that turn into chargebacks, with funds withdrawn from your Stripe account.
giropay payments can be refunded up to 180 days after the original payment date.