Update payment details
Learn how to update the payment method used for future invoices.
Use the following steps to create a Checkout page that collects your customer’s payment details and returns a Payment Method. Then use the Stripe REST APIs to update the payment method used for future invoices.
This guide uses Checkout to update subscription payment methods. You can instead implement the Billing customer portal to provide a Stripe-hosted dashboard for your customers to manage their subscriptions and billing details.
Set up StripeServer-side
First, you need a Stripe account. Register now.
Use our official libraries for access to the Stripe API from your application:
Create a Checkout SessionServer-side
To create a setup mode Session, use the mode
parameter with a value of setup
when creating the Session. See the Checkout Session API reference for a complete list of parameters that you can use for Session creation.
Append the {CHECKOUT_
template variable to the success_
to get access to the Session ID after your customer successfully completes a Checkout Session.
Finally, use the setup_intent_data.metadata dictionary to pass your customer’s existing Stripe subscription_
to the Checkout Session. Note that there other ways to pass this data to your server, but we’ll use metadata for this guide.
Redirect to CheckoutClient-side
Checkout relies on Stripe.js, Stripe’s foundational JavaScript library for building payment flows.
This code is typically invoked from an event handler that triggers in response to an action taken by your customer, such as clicking on a payment button.
Retrieve the Checkout SessionServer-side
After a customer successfully completes their Checkout Session, you need to retrieve the Session object. There are two ways to do this:
- Asynchronously: Handle
webhooks, which contain a Session object. Learn more about setting up webhooks.session. completed - Synchronously: Obtain the Session ID from the
when a user redirects back to your site. Use the Session ID to retrieve the Session object.url
The right choice depends on your tolerance for dropoff, as customers may not always reach the success_
after a successful payment. It’s possible for them close their browser tab before the redirect occurs. Handling webhooks prevents your integration from being susceptible to this form of dropoff.
After you have retrieved the Session object, get the value of the setup_
key, which is the ID for the SetupIntent created during the Checkout Session. A SetupIntent is an object used to set up the customer’s bank account information for future payments.
Example checkout.
{ "id": "evt_1Ep24XHssDVaQm2PpwS19Yt0", "object": "event", "api_version": "2019-03-14", "created": 1561420781, "data": { "object": { "id": "cs_test_MlZAaTXUMHjWZ7DcXjusJnDU4MxPalbtL5eYrmS2GKxqscDtpJq8QM0k", "object": "checkout.session", "billing_address_collection": null, "client_reference_id": null, "customer": "cus_FOsk5sbh3ZQpAU", "customer_email": null, "display_items": [], "mode": "setup", "setup_intent": "seti_1EzVO3HssDVaQm2PJjXHmLlM", "submit_type": null, "subscription": null, "success_url": "https://example.com/success" } }, "livemode": false, "pending_webhooks": 1, "request": { "id": null, "idempotency_key": null }, "type": "checkout.session.completed" }
Note the setup_
ID for the next step.
Retrieve the SetupIntentServer-side
Using the setup_
ID, retrieve the SetupIntent object using the /v1/setup_intents/:id endpoint.
Example response:
{ "id": "seti_1EzVO3HssDVaQm2PJjXHmLlM", "object": "setup_intent", "application": null, "cancellation_reason": null, "client_secret": null, "created": 1561420781, "customer": "cus_FOsk5sbh3ZQpAU", "description": null, "last_setup_error": null, "livemode": false, "metadata": { "subscription_id": "sub_8epEF0PuRhmltU" }, "next_action": null, "on_behalf_of": null, "payment_method": "pm_1F0c9v2eZvKYlo2CJDeTrB4n", "payment_method_types": [ "card" ], "status": "succeeded", "usage": "off_session" }
Note the customer
ID, subscription_
, and payment_
ID for the next steps.
If you’re requesting this information synchronously from the Stripe API (as opposed to handling webhooks), you can combine the previous step with this step by expanding the SetupIntent object in the request to the /v1/checkout/session endpoint. Doing this prevents you from having to make two network requests to access the newly created PaymentMethod ID.
Set a default payment methodServer-side
There are two ways to ensure that a payment method is used for future invoices:
- Set it as the Customer’s
settings. default_ payment_ method - Set it as the Subscription’s
payment_ method
Setting invoice_
on the Customer will cause all future invoices for that customer to be paid with the specified payment method.
Setting default_
on the Subscription will cause all future invoices for that subscription to be paid with the specified payment method, overriding any invoice_
set on the associated Customer.
Set invoice_settings.default_payment_method on the Customer 
Using the customer ID and the PaymentMethod ID you retrieved, set the invoice_
for the Customer using the /v1/customers/:id endpoint.
All future invoices for this customer will now charge the new PaymentMethod created with the setup mode Checkout Session.
Set default_payment_method on the Subscription 
Using the subscription ID and the PaymentMethod ID you retrieved, set the default_
for the subscription using the /v1/subscriptions/:id endpoint.
All future invoices for this subscription will now charge the new PaymentMethod created with the setup mode Checkout Session, overriding any invoice_
set on the associated Customer.
See also
Congrats! You can now set a default payment method for future invoices. When testing your integration with your test API key, you can use a test card number to ensure that it works correctly.