India recurring paymentsBeta
Learn how to update an integration to support RBI e-mandates.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a directive (amended subsequently in December 2020 and March 2021) that introduces additional security measures for recurring payments on India issued cards. These measures include:
- Banks need to register cardholders and create an e-mandate through a one-time process, using additional factor authentication (AFA) like 3D Secure (3DS).
- Banks must alert cardholders at least 24 hours before charges take place and give them the ability to opt out of transactions.
- Recurring transactions over 15,000 INR (or equivalent in other currencies) must go through AFA each time.
If you’re an India-based Stripe user or an international (non-IN) Stripe user, your business is impacted if you have customers who use India cards for:
- Off-session payments
- Subscriptions or Invoices where the
is set tomethod charge_
How payments work with an e-mandate 
Stripe has worked with a partner platform to support registering e-mandates and issuing pre-debit notifications to customers.
We don’t currently offer the use of e-mandates to Stripe users in Mexico and Japan.
Depending on how you’ve integrated with Stripe, you might need to send Stripe additional information to set up a mandate. The customer must go through AFA (3DS) to register the mandate.
Subsequent off-session payments or auto-debits for a Subscription undergo a significant change. Customers need to receive a pre-debit notification at least 24 hours before the actual payment with the exact debit amount mentioned. The pre-debit notification contains information about the payment and an option to cancel the mandate. If the payment amount is above 15,000 INR or the mandate’s maximum amount, the pre-debit notification contains a link to perform AFA (3DS) to authorize the payment.
Because Stripe is integrating with a partner platform, we wait 26 hours before charging the customer after receiving a payment request (we add a buffer for possible downstream issues, which necessitates the 26 hours advance notification). This means that Stripe delays collecting payment by 26 hours.
Without a mandate for an off-session payment, the payment will be declined.
The RBI regulations impact Subscriptions that use collection_
to charge India issued cards.
Stripe doesn’t support e-mandates for India recurring payments with PaymentIntents
or SetupIntents
. To manage mandates for recurring payments, use Subscriptions, as described below.
Subscription creation 
To learn how to create a new Subscription, see Build a subscriptions integration.
Subscription Revenue Recovery 
Stripe provides a number of automated recovery features to help collect payments that might’ve been unsuccessful. If you want to handle these payment failures on your own, refer to Build your own handling for recurring charge failures for guidance. Otherwise, some recommendations are listed below.
Payments from India issued cards are attempted only once. This behavior is independent of your payment retry settings. If the payment from an India issued card fails, your Subscription and Invoice status will still be updated based on what you configured in your Subscriptions and emails settings for “If all retries for a payment fail”.
3D Secure emails 
If a mandate doesn’t exist on the default payment method during Subscription renewals or updates, Stripe attempts to create a new one. To register the mandate, the customer needs to complete AFA (3DS). Enable the Subscriptions and emails settings to Send a Stripe-hosted link for customers to confirm their payments when required
so that customers can be brought back on-session to complete authentication if required.
Stripe doesn’t attempt to create a new mandate if the current mandate used by the Subscription is inactive
Manage failed payments 
We recommend enabling notifications to your customers if their Subscription payments fail and their Subscription is paused. Stripe can send emails to customers to update failed card payment methods if you enable it in the Subscriptions and emails settings.
Mandate creation 
If you rely on Stripe to automatically create the mandate, the mandate details are returned in the Invoice’s underlying PaymentIntent and corresponding Charge, or the SetupIntent if you’re creating the Subscription with a trial.
Stripe doesn’t return a mandate ID if any of the following is true:
- A card isn’t an India issued card.
- The currency for the mandate isn’t supported by either the issuer or for the Stripe account’s country.
- The India issued card is neither Visa nor Mastercard. Stripe only supports mandates for these two card brands.
Stripe supports INR mandates for all businesses. The following currencies are supported only for international (non-IN) businesses:
There are over 100 issuing banks in India and the process of fully adapting to the new requirements is expected to take some time. An issuer might not support e-mandates for a particular currency yet. If so, Stripe doesn’t return a mandate ID.
Mandate status and troubleshooting 
If Stripe can’t create a mandate, you can suggest using a different card, or you can offer alternative options such as setting collection_method as send_
for the Subscription instead.
Also, a previously active mandate can become inactive, for instance if the customer cancels it. In that case, the mandate becomes inactive
and Stripe sends a mandate.
For more information on receiving webhooks, see Steps to receive webhooks.
Subscription updates 
The pre-debit notification that the bank sends tells the cardholder, at minimum, about the name of the business, the transaction amount, the date or time of the debit, the reference number of the mandate, and the reason for debit. Make sure that your mandate details match what you’re actually debiting the customer for to avoid confusion or declines.
If you depend on Stripe to automatically create mandates for your Subscription and want to update a Subscription, we recommend that you bring the customer back on-session to cancel the original Subscription. Doing so creates a new subscription in the following scenarios, and creates a new mandate that reflects the Subscription details accurately:
- Changes to the billing interval of a Subscription
- Upgrades to a Subscription where the customer wants to avoid having to authorize the payment each renewal. For context, Stripe creates the mandate with
by default. A customer can still be charged more than the maximum amount withtype=maximum amount_
. However, the customer must authorize payments for amounts more than thetype=maximum mandate_
or 15,000 INR (whichever is less).options[amount]
- If you have
,type=maximum amount=100000
, the customer would need to authenticate for amounts over 1,000 INR. - If you have
, the customer would need to authenticate for amounts over 15,000 INR.
Pre-debit notification 
When the off-session PaymentIntent is confirmed, the issuing bank sends the customer the pre-debit notification. The PaymentIntent transitions to a processing
state for the entire duration of the pre-debit notification period (26 hours) and can’t be canceled.
{ "object": "payment_intent", ... "processing": { "card": { "customer_notification": { "approval_requested": true, "completes_at": 1677307005 } }, "type": "card" }, ... "status": "processing", ... }
If processing.card.customer_notification.approval_requested is true
, the customer needs to authenticate the payment using the pre-debit notification sent to them by the issuing bank.
The processing.card.customer_notification.completes_at attribute specifies the time that the Stripe attempts to charge the card. If successfully processing the payment requires customer approval, they need to authenticate the payment by the specified time.
Error and decline codes 
We return error codes for the following scenarios:
Error code | Description |
payment_ | Attempting a recurring payment using an inactive mandate returns this code. You can prevent this by checking the mandate status before attempting to charge. |
india_ | Attempting a recurring payment using a canceled mandate returns this code. This can happen when we only learn that a mandate has been canceled at this point. |
processing_ | Discovery of a (usually transient) processing error returns this code. |
In the context of e-mandates, certain decline codes have potentially more specific explanations than in general scenarios:
Decline code | Description |
transaction_ | Attempting a subsequent payment when the customer has paused permissions to auto-debit, or doesn’t authenticate the payment when it’s required returns this code. |
You can use these test card numbers to simulate different scenarios.
In test mode, it takes approximately 15 minutes for an off-session PaymentIntent to transition out of the processing
state. The on-session PaymentIntent for an initial payment never enters the processing
Keep in mind the following limitations:
- Stripe attempts to automatically create mandates only on Subscriptions created after October 1, 2021. If you have a Subscription created before then, cancel and create a new Subscription to make sure a mandate is created.
- You can’t create a mandate using the Charges and Sources APIs.
- You can’t pass an existing mandate to a Subscription.
- You can’t cancel or update a mandate.