Developers Dashboard
Use the Developers Dashboard to view API request and event activity.
Workbench replaces the Developers Dashboard, and we automatically enable it for all new Stripe accounts by default. Configure this setting from the Developers settings in the Dashboard.
The Developers Dashboard collects information about each request in your account – use the Dashboard to view common integration errors, requests that failed, webhook events, and so on.
Start with a guide
Learn how to filter API request logs and view log entries in the Developers Dashboard.
View events triggered by your account and their event object payload in the Developers Dashboard.
Key features
Determine the reason a request failed
Manage your Stripe integration from the Developers Dashboard. Find your default API version and all versions used by your account, or filter API request logs and view log entries.
Setup local webhook event listeners
Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens in your account. Use the Developers Dashboard and the Stripe CLI to setup a webhooks listener on your local machine, then trigger events to test your setup.
Manage access to your application
All accounts have a publishable and secret key pair for each sandbox and in live mode. Use the Developers Dashboard to expire an existing key, restrict traffic to an IP address, or create a restricted API key for microservices used by your application.
Monitor a webhooks integration
When you send an API request, we log one or more events for your account. Use the Developers Dashboard to view events triggered by your account so you know which events to monitor in your webhooks integration.