Updating service agreement acceptances
Learn how to update your connected accounts and handle acceptance of the Stripe Connected Account Agreement and other disclosures.
Working with connected accounts where your platform is liable for negative balances, including Custom and Express accounts, provides a lot of flexibility. You can access almost every Stripe account property through the API.
Platforms can use the API to perform many account management functions, including:
- Handle acceptance and re-acceptance of the Stripe Connected Account Agreement (for accounts with no Stripe-hosted Dashboard access, including Custom accounts).
- Handle identity verification (for accounts with no Stripe-hosted Dashboard access, including Custom accounts).
- Manage the connected business’s information, such as its name, logo, and URL.
- Set some charge behaviors.
- Establish payout handling.
You can make those account updates with an update account call.
View and update a connected account through the platform’s Dashboard
You can update some account settings in the Connected accounts section of your Dashboard.
Click any connected account in the list to open that account’s details page. The information that you can view and change depends on the account type or controller properties. Common tasks on this page include checking the status of payouts and searching for payments.
Stripe’s service agreements for connected accounts 
To provide Stripe Connect services to your connected accounts, Stripe must establish a direct contractual relationship with them. That requires all connected accounts with no Stripe-hosted Dashboard access to accept the correct Stripe service agreement. The service agreement your accounts must accept depends on whether they’re merchants subject to Stripe’s full terms of service or are payment recipients subject to the recipient service agreement. You’re responsible for making sure that your accounts agree to the correct service agreement before accepting or receiving payments through Stripe on your platform.
If, after onboarding, one of your connected accounts transfers its ownership or updates its verified tax identification number, the updated account owner must provide their agreement to the correct Stripe service agreement. You’re responsible for obtaining that agreement.
Referencing Stripe’s service agreement
You must present your connected accounts with a link to the correct agreement, and they must expressly consent to it prior to using Stripe. For example, at the point of account activation, you can present language such as the following:
Add Stripe’s service agreement to your terms of service 
You can make accepting Stripe’s service agreement easy for connected accounts by including it in your terms of service. In your terms, include a link to the correct Stripe service agreement and clearly state that accepting your terms includes accepting the Stripe service agreement. Here are some examples of text you can include in your terms:
Indicating acceptance 
For connected accounts where the platform collects updated information for due or changed requirements, you must collect the updated acceptance of Stripe’s service agreement.
To indicate to Stripe that a connected account accepted Stripe’s service agreement, make an update account call, providing the acceptance date and IP address:
Acquirer disclosure
To meet Stripe’s Financial Partner requirements, you must advise your connected accounts of Stripe’s acquirers and their contact information in a clear and conspicuous manner, including this disclosure. For accounts that fall solely under the Recipient Service Agreement, you don’t need to include this disclosure.
If your accounts provide acceptance of Stripe’s service agreement through a Stripe onboarding product, it includes that disclosure.
Disclosing how Stripe processes connected account data 
While providing your connected accounts with Connect services, Stripe processes their data as explained in Stripe’s Privacy Policy. You must disclose that to your accounts by providing them with a link to that policy.
In addition, connected accounts in Canada must consent to allow Stripe to obtain information from credit agencies to verify their identities. You can obtain that consent in your onboarding flow by incorporating language like the following where users agree to your terms of service:
Our payment processor can obtain information from credit agencies to verify your identity. That information will be used for the purposes described in their Privacy Policy.
If you are using a Stripe onboarding product like embedded onboarding, but providing a link to your own privacy policy, your privacy policy must include a link to Stripe’s Privacy Policy and the following language:
When you provide personal data in connection with , Stripe receives that personal data and processes it in accordance with Stripe’s Privacy Policy.
For Stripe to lawfully process personal data according to your instructions, you can be legally required to provide additional disclosures or obtain additional consents. Talk to your lawyer about which disclosures and consents might apply to your platform and connected accounts.