Monitor usage with alerts and thresholdsVersion bêta privée
Set up alerts for when a customer exceeds a usage threshold, or trigger an invoice when a customer hits a billing threshold.
Use alerts to notify you when customers exceed meter usage thresholds, or to trigger an invoice when customers reach a specific billing threshold. You can create alerts that apply to specific customers or all customers.
Create usage alerts in your business workflows, such as the following:
- Email users: Allow customers to configure usage limits, and send an email when they hit their limit.
- Deprovision access: Grant customers a free number of usage units to your service, and remove access when they exceed the limit.
- Notify the sales team of an upsell: Alert your sales team of an enterprise opportunity when a self-serve user exceeds a usage threshold.
Before you begin
Consider the following limitations for usage alerts:
- We only apply usage data reported after you create the alert to determine when to send it.
- You can create a maximum of 25 alerts for each combination of a specific meter and customer. However, you can create an alert for a specific meter for each of your customers.
- Alerts currently don’t work with test clocks.
Consider the following limitations for billing thresholds:
- Thresholds don’t apply to trial subscriptions.
- Billing thresholds aren’t evaluated in the 24 hours before a subscription ends. This helps limit confusion for a customer who receives multiple invoices on the same date.
- Monetary thresholds must be greater than the sum of any flat fees on metered subscription items.
- When determining if a monetary threshold has been reached, the value we use excludes taxes but includes discounts and billing credits.
- Subscriptions are only allowed a single monetary threshold.
- Subscription items are only allowed a single usage threshold.
- Invoiced amounts or usage might be slightly higher than the specified thresholds because invoices aren’t issued at the exact moment a specified threshold is reached.
- Per-package tiered pricing isn’t currently supported.