Configure meters
Configure meters for usage-based billing.
Before you can record customer usage, you must create a Meter, then configure it. After you configure the meter, you can’t make any changes aside from the display name.
Meter configuration attributes
Meter attribute | Description |
Event name | The name of the meter event that you want to record usage for with the meter. When you send usage to Stripe, specify this event name in the event_ field for the Meter Event. This allows the correct meter to record and aggregate the usage. You can only use an event name with a single meter. |
Event ingestion | Specify how to send events to Stripe:
Aggregation formula | Specify how to aggregate usage over the billing period:
Payload key overrides | Specify which keys in the event payload refer to the customer and numerical usage values:
Fix incorrect usage data 
If you identify incorrectly recorded events in the current billing period, you can create a Meter Event Adjustment to cancel those events. You must specify the identifier for the meter event.
You can only cancel events sent to Stripe within the last 24 hours. If you cancel usage that’s included on a finalized invoice, we won’t update the invoice or issue a corrected invoice for the canceled usage. We don’t support billing adjustments for canceled usage on a finalized invoice sent to a customer.
You can also fix incorrectly recorded usage data by recording negative quantities. If the overall cycle usage is negative, Stripe reports the invoice line item usage quantity as 0.