Set up billing creditsPublic preview
Learn how to implement a prepaid billing solution with billing credits.
Use Meters and billing credits to offer credits to your customers when they prepay for usage-based products or services, or as a promotional offering.
Before you begin
Before you can use billing credits, you must set up usage-based billing:
- Create a billing meter.
- Create a pricing model and add the meter to it.
- Create a subscription that includes your customer, product, and usage-based price.
Grant billing credits to your customer
Use the Stripe Dashboard or API to create a credit grant for your customer.
Billing credits only apply to subscription line items that link to a meter price. The (Usage Records API) isn’t supported.
Apply billing credits to invoices
After the invoice finalizes, Stripe automatically applies all applicable billing credits. The available balance on the credit grant updates based on the amount of billing credits applied to the invoice.
You can find the amount of billing credits applied to an invoice in the Stripe Dashboard.
- On the Customers page, select the customer name.
- On the customer page, under Invoices, select an invoice.
- On the invoice page, under Subtotal, find the line for Credit grant applied.
Retrieve the available billing credit balance
Use the Stripe Dashboard or API to see the available billing credit balance for a customer. When using the API, retrieve the Credit Balance Summary endpoint.
List transactions for a credit grant
Use the Stripe Dashboard or API to see the transactions for a specific credit grant or customer. When using the API, call the Credit Balance Transaction endpoint.