Determine when you can grant or revoke product feature access to customers.
Entitlements enable you to map the features of your internal service to Stripe products. After you map your features, Stripe notifies you about when to provision or de-provision access (according to your customer’s subscription status), and to what features, based on your mapping choices.
Use Entitlements to:
- Launch, change, and experiment with your pricing without needing to change your codebase
- Grant, revoke, and manage customer’s feature access
- Simplify your billing integration
Stripe Billing Entitlements API demo
Before you begin
This guide assumes that you’re already using Stripe Subscriptions and Customer resources.
Get started 
To get started with Entitlements:
- Set up your features: Create each feature in Stripe Billing from the Dashboard. Here are some examples of features you can include:
- API access
- AI assistant
- Premium support
- Advanced reporting
- Extended data retention
- Add your features to products: Attach features to corresponding Stripe Products. You can add a single feature to multiple products.
- Manage your features: Edit or archive each feature from the Dashboard.
Set up your features
To create a feature in the Dashboard, do the following:
- In the Dashboard, go to the Product catalog and click Features.
- Click + Create feature and enter a Name and a Lookup Key for the feature. You can optionally also add Metadata.
- Because the Lookup Key is unique to each feature, you can’t reuse it across different features unless you archive the feature associated with the Lookup Key.
- Click Create feature.
Add your features to products
To add a feature to a product in the Dashboard, do the following:
- In the Dashboard, from the Features tab, click the feature that you want to add.
- Click Attach to product and select a product from the menu.
- Click Confirm.
When a customer subscribes to the product, you can view what features they’re entitled to. To do this, go to the Customers page, select the customer, and review the Entitlements section.
Manage features
You can manage features from the Dashboard.
Edit a feature
To edit a feature’s Name or add Metadata, go to the Features tab, click the overflow menu (), and click Edit feature. You can’t edit a feature’s Lookup Key after the feature is created.
Remove a feature from a product
To remove a feature from a product, go to the Features tab and select the feature. Then click the overflow menu () next to the product name and click Remove product.
Archive a feature
To archive a feature, go to the Features tab, click the overflow menu (), and click Archive feature.
Before you archive a feature, keep in mind the following:
- Archived features can’t be edited or added to any new products.
- Archived features still create entitlements if attached to existing products.
- An archived feature’s lookup key can be used again.
- You can’t unarchive a feature.