Customer Tax IDs
Learn how to store, validate, and render customer tax ID numbers with Stripe Billing.
Displaying a customer’s tax ID on invoice documents is a common requirement that you can satisfy by adding tax IDs to customers. A customer’s tax IDs display in the header of invoice and credit note PDFs.
Supported Tax ID types 
Currently, Stripe supports the following Tax ID types in the following regions:
Country | Enum | Description | Example |
Albania | al_ | Albania Tax Identification Number | J12345678N |
Andorra | ad_ | Andorran NRT number | A-123456-Z |
Angola | ao_ | Angola Tax Identification Number | 5123456789 |
Argentina | ar_ | Argentinian tax ID number | 12-3456789-01 |
Armenia | am_ | Armenia Tax Identification Number | 02538904 |
Australia | au_ | Australian Business Number (AU ABN) | 12345678912 |
Australia | au_ | Australian Taxation Office Reference Number | 123456789123 |
Austria | eu_ | European VAT number | ATU12345678 |
Bahamas | bs_ | Bahamas Tax Identification Number | 123.456.789 |
Bahrain | bh_ | Bahraini VAT Number | 123456789012345 |
Barbados | bb_ | Barbados Tax Identification Number | 1123456789012 |
Belarus | by_ | Belarus TIN Number | 123456789 |
Belgium | eu_ | European VAT number | BE0123456789 |
Bolivia | bo_ | Bolivian tax ID | 123456789 |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | ba_ | Bosnia and Herzegovina Tax Identification Number | 123456789012 |
Brazil | br_ | Brazilian CNPJ number | 01.234.456/5432-10 |
Brazil | br_ | Brazilian CPF number | 123.456.789-87 |
Bulgaria | bg_ | Bulgaria Unified Identification Code | 123456789 |
Bulgaria | eu_ | European VAT number | BG0123456789 |
Cambodia | kh_ | Cambodia Tax Identification Number | 1001-123456789 |
Canada | ca_ | Canadian BN | 123456789 |
Canada | ca_ | Canadian GST/HST number | 123456789RT0002 |
Canada | ca_ | Canadian PST number (British Columbia) | PST-1234-5678 |
Canada | ca_ | Canadian PST number (Manitoba) | 123456-7 |
Canada | ca_ | Canadian PST number (Saskatchewan) | 1234567 |
Canada | ca_ | Canadian QST number (Québec) | 1234567890TQ1234 |
Chile | cl_ | Chilean TIN | 12.345.678-K |
China | cn_ | Chinese tax ID | 123456789012345678 |
Colombia | co_ | Colombian NIT number | 123.456.789-0 |
Congo - Kinshasa | cd_ | Congo (DR) Tax Identification Number (Número de Identificação Fiscal) | A0123456M |
Costa Rica | cr_ | Costa Rican tax ID | 1-234-567890 |
Croatia | eu_ | European VAT number | HR12345678912 |
Croatia | hr_ | Croatian Personal Identification Number | 12345678901 |
Cyprus | eu_ | European VAT number | CY12345678Z |
Czech Republic | eu_ | European VAT number | CZ1234567890 |
Denmark | eu_ | European VAT number | DK12345678 |
Dominican Republic | do_ | Dominican RCN number | 123-4567890-1 |
Ecuador | ec_ | Ecuadorian RUC number | 1234567890001 |
Egypt | eg_ | Egyptian Tax Identification Number | 123456789 |
El Salvador | sv_ | El Salvadorian NIT number | 1234-567890-123-4 |
Estonia | eu_ | European VAT number | EE123456789 |
EU | eu_ | European One Stop Shop VAT number for non-Union scheme | EU123456789 |
Finland | eu_ | European VAT number | FI12345678 |
France | eu_ | European VAT number | FRAB123456789 |
Georgia | ge_ | Georgian VAT | 123456789 |
Germany | de_ | German Tax Number (Steuernummer) | 1234567890 |
Germany | eu_ | European VAT number | DE123456789 |
Greece | eu_ | European VAT number | EL123456789 |
Guinea | gn_ | Guinea Tax Identification Number (Número de Identificação Fiscal) | 123456789 |
Hong Kong | hk_ | Hong Kong BR number | 12345678 |
Hungary | eu_ | European VAT number | HU12345678 |
Hungary | hu_ | Hungary tax number (adószám) | 12345678-1-23 |
Iceland | is_ | Icelandic VAT | 123456 |
India | in_ | Indian GST number | 12ABCDE3456FGZH |
Indonesia | id_ | Indonesian NPWP number | 012.345.678.9-012.345 |
Ireland | eu_ | European VAT number | IE1234567AB |
Israel | il_ | Israel VAT | 000012345 |
Italy | eu_ | European VAT number | IT12345678912 |
Japan | jp_ | Japanese Corporate Number (*Hōjin Bangō*) | 1234567891234 |
Japan | jp_ | Japanese Registered Foreign Businesses' Registration Number (*Tōroku Kokugai Jigyōsha no Tōroku Bangō*) | 12345 |
Japan | jp_ | Japanese Tax Registration Number (*Tōroku Bangō*) | T1234567891234 |
Kazakhstan | kz_ | Kazakhstani Business Identification Number | 123456789012 |
Kenya | ke_ | Kenya Revenue Authority Personal Identification Number | P000111111A |
Latvia | eu_ | European VAT number | LV12345678912 |
Liechtenstein | li_ | Liechtensteinian UID number | CHE123456789 |
Liechtenstein | li_ | Liechtenstein VAT number | 12345 |
Lithuania | eu_ | European VAT number | LT123456789123 |
Luxembourg | eu_ | European VAT number | LU12345678 |
Malaysia | my_ | Malaysian FRP number | 12345678 |
Malaysia | my_ | Malaysian ITN | C 1234567890 |
Malaysia | my_ | Malaysian SST number | A12-3456-78912345 |
Malta | eu_ | European VAT number | MT12345678 |
Mauritania | mr_ | Mauritania Tax Identification Number (Número de Identificação Fiscal) | 12345678 |
Mexico | mx_ | Mexican RFC number | ABC010203AB9 |
Moldova | md_ | Moldova VAT Number | 1234567 |
Montenegro | me_ | Montenegro PIB Number | 12345678 |
Morocco | ma_ | Morocco VAT Number | 12345678 |
Nepal | np_ | Nepal PAN Number | 123456789 |
Netherlands | eu_ | European VAT number | NL123456789B12 |
New Zealand | nz_ | New Zealand GST number | 123456789 |
Nigeria | ng_ | Nigerian Tax Identification Number | 12345678-0001 |
North Macedonia | mk_ | North Macedonia VAT Number | MK1234567890123 |
Norway | no_ | Norwegian VAT number | 123456789MVA |
Norway | no_ | Norwegian VAT on e-commerce number | 1234567 |
Oman | om_ | Omani VAT Number | OM1234567890 |
Peru | pe_ | Peruvian RUC number | 12345678901 |
Philippines | ph_ | Philippines Tax Identification Number | 123456789012 |
Poland | eu_ | European VAT number | PL1234567890 |
Portugal | eu_ | European VAT number | PT123456789 |
Romania | eu_ | European VAT number | RO1234567891 |
Romania | ro_ | Romanian tax ID number | 1234567890123 |
Russia | ru_ | Russian INN | 1234567891 |
Russia | ru_ | Russian KPP | 123456789 |
Saudi Arabia | sa_ | Saudi Arabia VAT | 123456789012345 |
Senegal | sn_ | Senegal NINEA Number | 12345672A2 |
Serbia | rs_ | Serbian PIB number | 123456789 |
Singapore | sg_ | Singaporean GST | M12345678X |
Singapore | sg_ | Singaporean UEN | 123456789F |
Slovakia | eu_ | European VAT number | SK1234567891 |
Slovenia | eu_ | European VAT number | SI12345678 |
Slovenia | si_ | Slovenia tax number (davčna številka) | 12345678 |
South Africa | za_ | South African VAT number | 4123456789 |
South Korea | kr_ | Korean BRN | 123-45-67890 |
Spain | es_ | Spanish NIF number (previously Spanish CIF number) | A12345678 |
Spain | eu_ | European VAT number | ESA1234567Z |
Suriname | sr_ | Suriname FIN Number | 1234567890 |
Sweden | eu_ | European VAT number | SE123456789123 |
Switzerland | ch_ | Switzerland UID number | CHE-123.456.789 HR |
Switzerland | ch_ | Switzerland VAT number | CHE-123.456.789 MWST |
Taiwan | tw_ | Taiwanese VAT | 12345678 |
Tajikistan | tj_ | Tajikistan Tax Identification Number | 123456789 |
Tanzania | tz_ | Tanzania VAT Number | 12345678A |
Thailand | th_ | Thai VAT | 1234567891234 |
Turkey | tr_ | Turkish Tax Identification Number | 0123456789 |
Uganda | ug_ | Uganda Tax Identification Number | 1014751879 |
Ukraine | ua_ | Ukrainian VAT | 123456789 |
United Arab Emirates | ae_ | United Arab Emirates TRN | 123456789012345 |
United Kingdom | eu_ | Northern Ireland VAT number | XI123456789 |
United Kingdom | gb_ | United Kingdom VAT number | GB123456789 |
United States | us_ | United States EIN | 12-3456789 |
Uruguay | uy_ | Uruguayan RUC number | 123456789012 |
Uzbekistan | uz_ | Uzbekistan TIN Number | 123456789 |
Uzbekistan | uz_ | Uzbekistan VAT Number | 123456789012 |
Venezuela | ve_ | Venezuelan RIF number | A-12345678-9 |
Vietnam | vn_ | Vietnamese tax ID number | 1234567890 |
Zambia | zm_ | Zambia Tax Identification Number | 1004751879 |
Zimbabwe | zw_ | Zimbabwe Tax Identification Number | 1234567890 |
You’re responsible for the accuracy of customer information including their tax ID number. The invoice includes the customer tax ID whether or not it’s valid.
Stripe provides automatic validation to help determine if the formatting is correct when you add the ID to our system. You can see the results of the validation in the Dashboard along with other customer information, including details returned from the government databases, and the registered name and address. However, we don’t continue to validate them over time. If automatic validation isn’t available, you must manually verify these IDs.
Australian Business Numbers (ABN) 
Stripe automatically validates all Australian Business Numbers (ABNs) with the Australian Business Register (ABR).
European Value-Added-Tax (EU VAT) Numbers 
Stripe also automatically validates all European Value-Added-Tax (EU VAT) numbers with the European Commission’s VAT Information Exchange System (VIES). This process only validates whether or not the tax ID is valid—you still need to verify the customer’s name and address to make sure it matches the registration information.
VIES validation usually takes only a few seconds, but depending on the availability of various government databases, might take longer. Stripe automatically handles VIES downtime and attempts retries.
United Kingdom Value-Added-Tax (GB VAT) Numbers 
Stripe automatically validates all UK Value-Added-Tax (GB VAT) numbers with the United Kingdom’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC). This process only validates whether or not the tax ID is valid—you still need to verify the customer’s name and address to make sure it matches the registration information.
HMRC validation usually takes only a few seconds, but depending on the availability, might take longer. Stripe automatically handles HMRC downtime and attempts retries.
Testing customer tax ID verification 
Use these magic tax IDs to trigger certain verification conditions in testing environments. The tax ID type must be either the EU VAT Number or Australian Business Number (ABN).
Number | Type |
000000000 | Successful verification |
111111111 | Unsuccessful verification |
222222222 | Verification remains pending indefinitely |
Validation webhooks and Dashboard display 
Because this validation process happens asynchronously, the customer.tax_id.updated webhook notifies you of validation updates.

Hover over a customer’s EU VAT number to display their VIES information.
The Dashboard displays the results of the validation within the customer details, including information returned from the government databases, and the registered name and address.
When automatic validation isn’t available, you must manually verify these IDs.
You can manage tax IDs in the Dashboard, with the customer portal, or the Tax ID API.