Updates an invoice’s line item. Some fields, such as tax_
, only live on the invoice line item, so they can only be updated through this endpoint. Other fields, such as amount
, live on both the invoice item and the invoice line item, so updates on this endpoint will propagate to the invoice item as well. Updating an invoice’s line item is only possible before the invoice is finalized.
- invoicestringRequired
Invoice ID of line item
- line_
item_ idstringRequired Invoice line item ID
- amountinteger
The integer amount in cents of the charge to be applied to the upcoming invoice. If you want to apply a credit to the customer’s account, pass a negative amount.
- descriptionstring
An arbitrary string which you can attach to the invoice item. The description is displayed in the invoice for easy tracking.
- metadataobject
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to
. For type=subscription line items, the incoming metadata specified on the request is directly used to set this value, in contrast to type=invoiceitem line items, where any existing metadata on the invoice line is merged with the incoming data. - periodobject
The period associated with this invoice item. When set to different values, the period will be rendered on the invoice. If you have Stripe Revenue Recognition enabled, the period will be used to recognize and defer revenue. See the Revenue Recognition documentation for details.
- pricestring
The ID of the price object. One of
is required.data - quantityinteger
Non-negative integer. The quantity of units for the line item.
More parameters
- discountableboolean
- discountsarray of objects
- price_
dataobject - tax_
amountsarray of objects - tax_
ratesarray of strings
The updated invoice’s line item object is returned upon success. Otherwise, this call raises an error.
{ "id": "il_tmp_1Nzo1ZGgdF1VjufLzD1UUn9R", "object": "line_item", "amount": 1000, "amount_excluding_tax": 1000, "currency": "usd", "description": "My First Invoice Item (created for API docs)", "discount_amounts": [], "discountable": true, "discounts": [], "invoice_item": "ii_1Nzo1ZGgdF1VjufLzD1UUn9R", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "period": { "end": 1696975413, "start": 1696975413 }, "price": { "id": "price_1NzlYfGgdF1VjufL0cVjLJVI", "object": "price", "active": true, "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "created": 1696965933, "currency": "usd", "custom_unit_amount": null, "livemode": false, "lookup_key": null, "metadata": {}, "nickname": null, "product": "prod_OnMHDH6VBmYlTr", "recurring": null, "tax_behavior": "unspecified", "tiers_mode": null, "transform_quantity": null, "type": "one_time", "unit_amount": 1000, "unit_amount_decimal": "1000" }, "proration": false, "proration_details": { "credited_items": null }, "quantity": 1, "subscription": null, "tax_amounts": [], "tax_rates": [], "type": "invoiceitem", "unit_amount_excluding_tax": "1000"}
When retrieving an invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.
No parameters.
More parameters
- ending_
beforestring - limitinteger
- starting_
Returns a list of line_item objects.
{ "object": "list", "url": "/v1/invoices/in_1NpHiG2eZvKYlo2CZV0ZkEBT/lines", "has_more": false, "data": [ { "id": "il_tmp_1NpHiK2eZvKYlo2C9NdV8VrI", "object": "line_item", "amount": 129999, "amount_excluding_tax": 129999, "currency": "usd", "description": "My First Invoice Item (created for API docs)", "discount_amounts": [], "discountable": true, "discounts": [], "invoice_item": "ii_1NpHiK2eZvKYlo2C9NdV8VrI", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "period": { "end": 1694467932, "start": 1694467932 }, "price": { "id": "price_1NpEIa2eZvKYlo2CXcy5DRPA", "object": "price", "active": true, "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "created": 1694454804, "currency": "usd", "custom_unit_amount": null, "livemode": false, "lookup_key": null, "metadata": {}, "nickname": null, "product": "prod_OcTFTbV7qh48bd", "recurring": null, "tax_behavior": "unspecified", "tiers_mode": null, "transform_quantity": null, "type": "one_time", "unit_amount": 129999, "unit_amount_decimal": "129999" }, "proration": false, "proration_details": { "credited_items": null }, "quantity": 1, "subscription": null, "tax_amounts": [], "tax_rates": [], "type": "invoiceitem", "unit_amount_excluding_tax": "129999" } ]}
When retrieving an upcoming invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.
- automatic_
taxobject Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice preview.
- customerstring
The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you’d like to retrieve. If
is enabled then one oftax customer
,details subscription
, orschedule
must be set. - subscriptionstring
The identifier of the subscription for which you’d like to retrieve the upcoming invoice. If not provided, but a
is provided, you will preview creating a subscription with those items. If neitherdetails. items subscription
is provided, you will retrieve the next upcoming invoice from among the customer’s subscriptions.details. items
More parameters
- couponstringDeprecated
- currencyenum
- customer_
detailsobject - discountsarray of objects
- ending_
beforestring - invoice_
itemsarray of objects - issuerobjectConnect only
- limitinteger
- on_
behalf_ ofstringConnect only - preview_
modeenum - schedulestring
- schedule_
detailsobject - starting_
afterstring - subscription_
billing_ cycle_ anchorstring | timestampDeprecated - subscription_
cancel_ attimestampDeprecated - subscription_
cancel_ at_ period_ endbooleanDeprecated - subscription_
cancel_ nowbooleanDeprecated - subscription_
default_ tax_ ratesarray of stringsDeprecated - subscription_
detailsobject - subscription_
itemsarray of objectsDeprecated - subscription_
proration_ behaviorenumDeprecated - subscription_
proration_ datetimestampDeprecated - subscription_
resume_ atstringDeprecated - subscription_
start_ datetimestampDeprecated - subscription_
trial_ endstring | timestampDeprecated
Returns a list of line_item objects.
{ "object": "list", "url": "/v1/invoices/upcoming/lines", "has_more": false, "data": [ { "id": "il_tmp_1NtH5qBHO5VeT9SUzhbifVXt", "object": "line_item", "amount": 1000, "amount_excluding_tax": 1000, "currency": "usd", "description": "My First Invoice Item (created for API docs)", "discount_amounts": [], "discountable": true, "discounts": [], "invoice_item": "ii_1NtH5qBHO5VeT9SUzhbifVXt", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "period": { "end": 1695418858, "start": 1695418858 }, "price": { "id": "price_1NrpbEBHO5VeT9SUHp6xMwKA", "object": "price", "active": true, "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "created": 1695074844, "currency": "usd", "custom_unit_amount": null, "livemode": false, "lookup_key": null, "metadata": {}, "nickname": null, "product": "prod_Of9vdHHGRaGOio", "recurring": null, "tax_behavior": "unspecified", "tiers_mode": null, "transform_quantity": null, "type": "one_time", "unit_amount": 1000, "unit_amount_decimal": "1000" }, "proration": false, "proration_details": { "credited_items": null }, "quantity": 1, "subscription": null, "tax_amounts": [], "tax_rates": [], "type": "invoiceitem", "unit_amount_excluding_tax": "1000" } ]}
Adds multiple line items to an invoice. This is only possible when an invoice is still a draft.
- linesarray of objectsRequired
The line items to add.
- invoice_
metadataobject Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to
The updated invoice with newly added line items is returned upon success. Otherwise, this call raises an error.
{ "id": "in_1NuhUa2eZvKYlo2CWYVhyvD9", "object": "invoice", "account_country": "US", "account_name": "Stripe.com", "account_tax_ids": null, "amount_due": 998, "amount_paid": 0, "amount_remaining": 998, "amount_shipping": 0, "application": null, "application_fee_amount": null, "attempt_count": 0, "attempted": false, "auto_advance": false, "automatic_tax": { "enabled": false, "liability": null, "status": null }, "billing_reason": "manual", "charge": null, "collection_method": "charge_automatically", "created": 1695758664, "currency": "usd", "custom_fields": null, "customer": "cus_9s6XKzkNRiz8i3", "customer_address": null, "customer_email": "test@test.com", "customer_name": null, "customer_phone": null, "customer_shipping": null, "customer_tax_exempt": "none", "customer_tax_ids": [], "default_payment_method": null, "default_source": null, "default_tax_rates": [], "description": null, "discount": null, "discounts": [], "due_date": null, "effective_at": null, "ending_balance": null, "footer": null, "from_invoice": null, "hosted_invoice_url": null, "invoice_pdf": null, "issuer": { "type": "self" }, "last_finalization_error": null, "latest_revision": null, "lines": { "object": "list", "data": [ { "id": "il_1NuhUa2eZvKYlo2CC98Fg3Bo", "object": "line_item", "amount": 799, "amount_excluding_tax": 799, "currency": "usd", "description": "test description", "discount_amounts": [], "discountable": true, "discounts": [], "invoice_item": "ii_1NuhUa2eZvKYlo2CGeF7Qgx0", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "period": { "end": 1695758664, "start": 1695758664 }, "price": { "id": "price_1NuhLA2eZvKYlo2Cq1tIGEBp", "object": "price", "active": true, "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "created": 1695758080, "currency": "usd", "custom_unit_amount": null, "livemode": false, "lookup_key": null, "metadata": {}, "nickname": null, "product": "prod_Oi7aO1GPi1dWX7", "recurring": null, "tax_behavior": "unspecified", "tiers_mode": null, "transform_quantity": null, "type": "one_time", "unit_amount": 799, "unit_amount_decimal": "799" }, "proration": false, "proration_details": { "credited_items": null }, "quantity": 1, "subscription": null, "tax_amounts": [], "tax_rates": [], "type": "invoiceitem", "unit_amount_excluding_tax": "799" }, { "id": "il_1NuLVe2eZvKYlo2Canh35EfU", "object": "line_item", "amount": 199, "amount_excluding_tax": 199, "currency": "usd", "description": "Canned Coffee", "discount_amounts": [], "discountable": true, "discounts": [], "invoice_item": "ii_1NuLVd2eZvKYlo2CRWY0Hqgi", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "period": { "end": 1695674161, "start": 1695674161 }, "price": { "id": "price_1NuI212eZvKYlo2CWgdD8kET", "object": "price", "active": true, "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "created": 1695660793, "currency": "usd", "custom_unit_amount": null, "livemode": false, "lookup_key": null, "metadata": {}, "nickname": null, "product": "prod_OhhQNWDYdIbXYv", "recurring": null, "tax_behavior": "unspecified", "tiers_mode": null, "transform_quantity": null, "type": "one_time", "unit_amount": 199, "unit_amount_decimal": "199" }, "proration": false, "proration_details": { "credited_items": null }, "quantity": 1, "subscription": null, "tax_amounts": [], "tax_rates": [], "type": "invoiceitem", "unit_amount_excluding_tax": "199" } ], "has_more": false, "url": "/v1/invoices/upcoming/lines?customer=cus_9s6XKzkNRiz8i3" }, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "next_payment_attempt": null, "number": null, "on_behalf_of": null, "paid": false, "paid_out_of_band": false, "payment_intent": null, "payment_settings": { "default_mandate": null, "payment_method_options": null, "payment_method_types": null }, "period_end": 1688482163, "period_start": 1688395763, "post_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0, "pre_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0, "quote": null, "receipt_number": null, "redaction": null, "rendering": null, "rendering_options": null, "shipping_cost": null, "shipping_details": null, "starting_balance": 0, "statement_descriptor": null, "status": "draft", "status_transitions": { "finalized_at": null, "marked_uncollectible_at": null, "paid_at": null, "voided_at": null }, "subscription": null, "subscription_details": { "metadata": null }, "subtotal": 998, "subtotal_excluding_tax": 998, "tax": null, "test_clock": null, "total": 998, "total_discount_amounts": [], "total_excluding_tax": 998, "total_tax_amounts": [], "transfer_data": null, "webhooks_delivered_at": null}
Removes multiple line items from an invoice. This is only possible when an invoice is still a draft.
- linesarray of objectsRequired
The line items to remove.
- invoice_
metadataobject Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to
The updated invoice without the removed line items is returned upon success. Otherwise, this call raises an error.
{ "id": "in_1NuhUa2eZvKYlo2CWYVhyvD9", "object": "invoice", "account_country": "US", "account_name": "Stripe.com", "account_tax_ids": null, "amount_due": 998, "amount_paid": 0, "amount_remaining": 998, "amount_shipping": 0, "application": null, "application_fee_amount": null, "attempt_count": 0, "attempted": false, "auto_advance": false, "automatic_tax": { "enabled": false, "liability": null, "status": null }, "billing_reason": "manual", "charge": null, "collection_method": "charge_automatically", "created": 1695758664, "currency": "usd", "custom_fields": null, "customer": "cus_9s6XKzkNRiz8i3", "customer_address": null, "customer_email": "test@test.com", "customer_name": null, "customer_phone": null, "customer_shipping": null, "customer_tax_exempt": "none", "customer_tax_ids": [], "default_payment_method": null, "default_source": null, "default_tax_rates": [], "description": null, "discount": null, "discounts": [], "due_date": null, "effective_at": null, "ending_balance": null, "footer": null, "from_invoice": null, "hosted_invoice_url": null, "invoice_pdf": null, "issuer": { "type": "self" }, "last_finalization_error": null, "latest_revision": null, "lines": { "object": "list", "data": [ { "id": "il_1NuhUa2eZvKYlo2CC98Fg3Bo", "object": "line_item", "amount": 799, "amount_excluding_tax": 799, "currency": "usd", "description": "test description", "discount_amounts": [], "discountable": true, "discounts": [], "invoice_item": "ii_1NuhUa2eZvKYlo2CGeF7Qgx0", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "period": { "end": 1695758664, "start": 1695758664 }, "price": { "id": "price_1NuhLA2eZvKYlo2Cq1tIGEBp", "object": "price", "active": true, "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "created": 1695758080, "currency": "usd", "custom_unit_amount": null, "livemode": false, "lookup_key": null, "metadata": {}, "nickname": null, "product": "prod_Oi7aO1GPi1dWX7", "recurring": null, "tax_behavior": "unspecified", "tiers_mode": null, "transform_quantity": null, "type": "one_time", "unit_amount": 799, "unit_amount_decimal": "799" }, "proration": false, "proration_details": { "credited_items": null }, "quantity": 1, "subscription": null, "tax_amounts": [], "tax_rates": [], "type": "invoiceitem", "unit_amount_excluding_tax": "799" }, { "id": "il_1NuLVe2eZvKYlo2Canh35EfU", "object": "line_item", "amount": 199, "amount_excluding_tax": 199, "currency": "usd", "description": "Canned Coffee", "discount_amounts": [], "discountable": true, "discounts": [], "invoice_item": "ii_1NuLVd2eZvKYlo2CRWY0Hqgi", "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "period": { "end": 1695674161, "start": 1695674161 }, "price": { "id": "price_1NuI212eZvKYlo2CWgdD8kET", "object": "price", "active": true, "billing_scheme": "per_unit", "created": 1695660793, "currency": "usd", "custom_unit_amount": null, "livemode": false, "lookup_key": null, "metadata": {}, "nickname": null, "product": "prod_OhhQNWDYdIbXYv", "recurring": null, "tax_behavior": "unspecified", "tiers_mode": null, "transform_quantity": null, "type": "one_time", "unit_amount": 199, "unit_amount_decimal": "199" }, "proration": false, "proration_details": { "credited_items": null }, "quantity": 1, "subscription": null, "tax_amounts": [], "tax_rates": [], "type": "invoiceitem", "unit_amount_excluding_tax": "199" } ], "has_more": false, "url": "/v1/invoices/upcoming/lines?customer=cus_9s6XKzkNRiz8i3" }, "livemode": false, "metadata": {}, "next_payment_attempt": null, "number": null, "on_behalf_of": null, "paid": false, "paid_out_of_band": false, "payment_intent": null, "payment_settings": { "default_mandate": null, "payment_method_options": null, "payment_method_types": null }, "period_end": 1688482163, "period_start": 1688395763, "post_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0, "pre_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0, "quote": null, "receipt_number": null, "redaction": null, "rendering": null, "rendering_options": null, "shipping_cost": null, "shipping_details": null, "starting_balance": 0, "statement_descriptor": null, "status": "draft", "status_transitions": { "finalized_at": null, "marked_uncollectible_at": null, "paid_at": null, "voided_at": null }, "subscription": null, "subscription_details": { "metadata": null }, "subtotal": 998, "subtotal_excluding_tax": 998, "tax": null, "test_clock": null, "total": 998, "total_discount_amounts": [], "total_excluding_tax": 998, "total_tax_amounts": [], "transfer_data": null, "webhooks_delivered_at": null}