Acceptable verification documents by country
Learn which documents Stripe accepts for verification of identity, address, and legal entity.
See the following list of documents that Stripe accepts as proof of identity, address, and entity for each country Stripe supports.
Common requirements
- Identity documents (including but not limited to passports and driver’s licenses) must be no more than one step removed from the original document:
- Document copies and scans must be in PDF format and taken directly from the original document; they can’t be processed, converted, or embedded in other files
- A picture of a physical document must be the original, unprocessed picture in JPEG or PNG format
- Screenshots aren’t acceptable
- When the reverse of a document contains required information, and you submit it using the API, include an image of the reverse using the
parameterback - Photos and scans of the Photo IDs must be in color
- Photos of paper documents must be in color, but scans of paper documents (not Photo IDs) may be black and white
- Images must not be low-quality
- Identity and legal entity documents must not have expired
- Documents must be readable and in a valid upload file format
- Documents must not be cropped or missing pages with crucial information, and all borders must be visible
- If the country of residence differs from the country of the account, a passport is required for identity verification